The Talent Pool in British Politics. 650 MPs blown wide open. mdi-fullscreen
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As polling stations open across the UK to elect 650 new Members of Parliament, we decided to open up the data from the last parliament before it was dissolved in March.

So much data is available to the public on MPs (they are public servants after all) but rarely is this information understood or explored properly. Data visualisation changes all of this, providing rapid interactive insight in minutes.

WARNING – This is not a diverse group of people. 

Data available in the public domain for each party includes MPs age, gender, ethnicity, university attended, their office / travel & accommodation expenses and the size of their constituency majority.

Once assembled, we quickly uploaded data to our interactive talent visualisation platform, Talent Lab, to find rapid insights and stories behind the data.  

So what insights came from visualising this data ?

Here are 7 insights that we found in less than 10 minutes.

1. There are 303 Conservative MPs in the house.100 of these went to Oxford or Cambridge University.

2. 90% of the Conservative MPs that went to Oxford of Cambridge were men. 9 of these were cabinet ministers.

3. Ethnicity data shows that 96% of MPs are White. Only 4% of MPs are Black and Minority Ethnic (14% of the UK population are BME)

4.15.8% of the Conservative MPs are female. 33.7% of the Labour MPs are female. 22.6% of the 650 MPs is female.

5. Expenses. Of the 100 highest expense claims in 2013/2014, 58 were Labour MPs, 17 Conservative, 15 Liberal Democrats.

6. David Cameron claimed a total of 129,500 pounds in expenses in 2013/14. The highest claim was for Jim Shannon from the Democratic Unionist Party with 234,800 pounds.

7. Pamela Nash, Labour, is the youngest MP in the house. Aged 30.

You can explore these insights for yourself at

Or watch a 60 second video of what we do.

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