#GayCakeGate Breaks Promise to Protect Religious Freedoms mdi-fullscreen

Another day, another bonkers politically correct ruling from a taxpayer-funded quango. The Equality Commission, which is a public body paid for out of the public purse, is using its state-sponsored power to take legal action against a small, independent patisserie in Belfast because its Christian owners didn’t want to bake a cake. ‘Queerspace’ gay rights activist Gareth Lee asked the shop to make him the above cake, but was politely told by its religious owners the message was contrary to their beliefs. Rather than simply go to a different shop he called the equality police, who are now taking the Christian bakers to court.

What this comes down to is the state using taxpayers’ money to force a free citizen into forced labour against their will: that is a form of slavery. The shop owners did no harm to the gay rights activist – who could easily have taken his custom elsewhere – they merely expressed their right not to produce a message contrary to their religious beliefs. Gordon Ramsay kicked a customer out of his restaurant for asking for ketchup, will the Equality Commission be taking him to court for infringing the human rights of ketchup lovers? When the government passed gay marriage they vowed religious beliefs would be respected, instead the state is persecuting anyone who does not conform to their ‘progressive’ views…

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mdi-timer November 6 2014 @ 11:18 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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