Joan's Estate-Gate mdi-fullscreen

The Mail have tracked down the will of Joan Edwards, Q2’s second largest donor and things have got a little murky for the Tories and the LibDems. Where it was briefed yesterday that the 90 year old deceased nurse had left the money to the party of government, the will actually states she wanted to leave her entire estate to: ‘whichever Government is in office at the date of my death for the Government in their absolute discretion to use as they may think fit’. That is not the same as giving to parties even if a friend of the late Ms Edwards says she made the money trough shares and was a Tory…

It is very hard to give money not owed to the government though. A row between the Treasury lawyers and Dominic Grieve the Tory Attorney General has broken out with the learned beancounters claiming Grieve said it should be party political donations. Grieve says the opposite and the parties are playing dumb. Guido is sceptical that they let half a million wander into their accounts without picking up a phone though. If they did not then that is a very worrying state of affairs. So if they did ask questions it stinks and if they did not it stinks. So which is it?

mdi-tag-outline Cash Sleaze
mdi-timer August 14 2013 @ 08:20 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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