Boris to Ken: “You’re a F***ing Liar!” mdi-fullscreen

Ken tried to lie his way out of his tax problems again on LBC  and it seems that one person wasn’t going to have it. The Guardian reports:

“Boris went nose to nose with Ken in a small lift and told Ken three times: “You’re a fucking liar, you’re a fucking liar, you’re a fucking liar.””

Ken’s spinners are desperate to talk about anything other than Ken’s taxes, claiming that Boris lost his temper about cable cars. As if. Ken had tried to suggest that the Finland Station Ltd television production company that Boris had done work with was a similar ruse to his own tax avoidance. Boris was a minority shareholder in the company, unlike Livingstone’s shell which was owned by him and employed his wife and a campaign aide. Finland Station Ltd actually made TV programmes, all Silveta Ltd seems to have done is donate money to Ken’s campaign and minimise his tax bill. Guido is wondering why former copper Brian Paddick, who was also in the lift, did not break things up…

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mdi-timer April 3 2012 @ 11:58 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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