Pope Seeks to Re-Unify Christendom mdi-fullscreen

The re-Catholicisation of England remains Guido’s long-term objective, so it is a pleasure to welcome to England the key player in the struggle to re-unify Christendom, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. It is not without irony that the Pope will address the great and the good on Friday gathered in Westminster Hall inside the Palace of Westminster. It was in Westminster Hall some four centuries ago that Guido Fawkes was tried and found guilty of trying to overthrow a Scottish protestant tyrant and his political allies (some things never change). Guido’s ghost haunts Westminster to this day seeking revenge on politicians who had him tortured…

The would-be defender of the faith, Prince Charles, bent the knee to the Pope when he visited the Vatican for the funeral of Pope John Paul II. It seems to Guido that the Church of England is more of a dwindling cultural movement than a religion with eternal truths. This Pope has no truck with wishy washy sixties-era cultural compromises and happy clappy Anglicanism, he wants to upgrade the C of E to RC standards. The re-unification of Christianity will be on Roman terms or not at all…

mdi-timer September 13 2010 @ 11:06 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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