Liam Fox's Non-Partisan Charity Endorses Tories mdi-fullscreen

Liam Fox’s Atlantic Bridge got into hot water with the Charity Commission for being a pro-Tory front.  Obviously they should be on their guard to prevent any suggestion that it is just a partisan cheering operation for neo-cons on both sides of the Atlantic.

So this press release from them seems a tad unwise:

Anglo-American Think tank Endorses Cameron’s Conservatives

A leading non-partisan Anglo-American think tank dedicated to the development and preservation of the Special Relationship between the U.S.A. and the U.K. has endorsed David Cameron and the British Conservative Party as the best bet for taking U.S.-U.K. relations to the next level.  You can read Amanda Bowman’s Washington Examiner article here, in it the CEO of the Atlantic Bridge says:

“Americans should look forward to May 6, after which Cameron and his government will likely assume power.   He will be good for America and better for the Special Relationship.”

How non-partisan is that?

UPDATE : Liam Fox’s office has been in touch to say that it is the American pillar of the Atlantic Bridge not the British pillar,“Liam knows nothing about this…”.  Odd since it gives a London contact phone number which appears to be Liam Fox’s office fax number (020 7219 2617).  Have sent a few faxes and it appears to be working. They’ll no doubt get back to Guido soon…

UPDATE II : It is a bit strange.  Have yet to confirm the authenticity of the email.  The article is genuine. The emailed press release is suspicious, why does it use a fax number as the contact number?  Guido is filing this in the dirty tricks file – unless ‘Shaila Cooper’ the contact name gets back to him and it proves otherwise.

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mdi-timer April 9 2010 @ 16:29 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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