Al Gore TV Calls Palin a "TWILF" mdi-fullscreen

Whilst the left on both sides of the Atlantic goes completely neurotic about the populist success of  Murdoch’s Fox News they forget that Al Gore owns a TV station aimed at the MTV generation – Current TV – unlike Fox it has lost over $10m every year since it started in 2004.  It is a rabidly left-wing channel, with plenty of mentalism of the enviro kind, that out-crazies Glenn Beck’s infotainment by a long chalk.  It is always claiming that the planet is on the edge of extinction making those Sunday morning hell-and-brimstone televangelists look moderate by comparison.

Current TV has a cartoon show “Supernews” aimed at kids which has just provoked controversy after describing Sarah Palin as a “TWILF” – which Guido likes to believe stands for Twitterer I Would Like To Follow.  The politically correct might note that Palin was also mocked as a “Gun – Ho” which Guido thought was quite funny, but suspects if he used “ho” about a female politician the  left-wing Thought Police would be frothing.  For some reason twittering Conservative women drive left-wingers to apoplexy.  Britain’s TWILFs; Nadine Dorries, Joanne Cash and Louise Bagshawe provoke masses of abuse from the left-wing Twitterati.  Nadine in particular is plagued with fake Twitter accounts impersonating herA dangerous game now the High Court has ruled Twitter impersonation actionable…

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mdi-timer November 17 2009 @ 09:11 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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