Goodbye Speaker

Douglas Carswell’s motion in the House of Commons reads:

No Confidence in the Speaker
bye-speaker“That this House has no confidence in Mr Speaker and calls for him to step down; notes that Mr Speaker has failed to provide leadership in matters relating to hon. Members’ expenses; believes that a new Speaker urgently needs to be elected by secret ballot, free from manipulation by party Whips, under Standing Order No. 1B; and believes that a new Speaker should proceed to reform the House in such a way as to make it an effective legislature once again.”

Nick Clegg has today signed the speaker’s exit pass by telling him it is time to go.  Don’t fret, his troughing and incompetence will be rewarded with a peerage and a back seat on the Lord’s Gravy Train.  Once a trougher, always a trougher…

mdi-timer 17 May 2009 @ 21:25 17 May 2009 @ 21:25 mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-comment View Comments
Punish Mainstream Politicians, Don't Vote for Mainstream Parties

Guido has been campaigning for this reckoning for years and now we are at the point where the reality of the venality of the political class has been revealed, public anger is exploding.  However the impotence of voting is exposed, because they are all at it. They treat voters like sheep to be fleeced.

None of the AboveThere are calls for a demonstration – a “Rally of the Robbed”.  That would achieve nothing, even if we burnt parliament to the ground.  We face a kleptocratic class that has control of all the main parties.  Cameron has so far taken the whip away from Bob Spink and Derek Conway.  It remains to be seen what happens to Andrew MacKay, Julie Kirkbride and the long list of other Tory troughers.  Nick Clegg says he will come down like “a ton of bricks” on expense fiddlers.  So far a few small cheques have been written with no sign of a single brick lobbed.  Gordon Brown sits in cabinet with James Purnell, Hazel Blears, Jacqui Smith and Geoff Hoon.  Each of them has defrauded the taxpayer and milked the system to an extraordinary degree.  As long as they sit around the table he presides over a cabinet of crooks.

Like most humans, politicians are motivated by fear and greed.  Greed motivated the now revealed looting of the public purse. Fear is the only thing that will get politicians to change their ways, and what they fear most is losing their positions.  The mainstream parties are putting up the bogeyman of the BNP as the beneficiary of the none of the above vote.  Tebbit has smartly advocated voters voting for a minority party, there are palatable options available whatever your political leanings.  No party is perfect, but if your sympathies are to the left, this election is the time to vote Green, if your sympathies are to the right, time to vote UKIP, if you are more centrist, perhaps Libertas deserves your voteThat would punish the major parties.minority

mdi-timer 17 May 2009 @ 09:34 17 May 2009 @ 09:34 mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-comment View Comments