The Backlash Begins mdi-fullscreen

Watch all the Dead Tree Press journalists who have felt the sting from this blog start carping:

Janet Daley, the former mega-fan of Gordon (see The Sheep With The Wool Pulled Over Her Eyes), is doing daily whines about Guido in the TelegraphNow that wouldn’t be anything to do with the teasing she has got on this blog, would it?

Stephen Pollard, the former wonkish lobbyist for Pfizer, complains  in The Times that Guido pointed out he took money from people from whom he took money.  He claims that is libel.  Guido never claimed he took money from McDonalds for his fake “think-tank”.   However he actually did spend years writing articles in praise of Big Pharma’s profits.  Pfizer was the main funder of his now defunct “think-tank”.

Stephen Pound MP has changed his studio soundbite today from saying Guido “is laughing all the way to the bank*”.  That would be the same Stephen Pound who will get a cab to Sky’s Osterley studio at any hour to provide a rent-a-quote for £50.  He now says Guido is Popbitch with a blue rosetteLeave Guido’s mother out of it Pound…

*Despite what you might have read in the source revealing, confidence breaking, Downing Street tipping-off Telegraph, Guido did not take a penny from either the Sunday Times or the News of the World for their front page stories.

mdi-tag-outline Dead Tree Press Media Guido
mdi-timer April 14 2009 @ 10:56 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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