+++ Spink Speaks +++ mdi-fullscreen
Bob Spink has just emailed this to Guido:

“The Party has failed to deal with local breaches of its rules and electoral irregularities, and with criminal activities over a long period and there are now corruption and other investigations, surrounding certain senior members of my local Association. It is with great sadness that I therefore felt compelled to resign the Party whip. I hope my action in resigning will bring the necessary changes and therefore be in both the public and the Party’s best interests.”

His email has a final paragraph:

Tories lose another MP at Westminster
MP Dr Bob Spink has resigned the Conservative Party whip because he is disappointed with the Party’s failure to address crime and corruption within the Party.

Dr Spink remains a committed and principled Conservative.

UPDATE I : Nadine Dorries reckons that Spink will, “given his strong anti-Euro views and Essex seat, join UKIP.”

UPDATE II : Bob Spink emails again with a press release setting out his side of the spin:

“For the Conservative Party to now imply they withdrew the whip from me is brass-necked dishonesty. This sort of low-political deceit is why the public hold politicians in such deep contempt.

The Chief Whip said my resignation would disrupt the Party Spring Conference this weekend and asked me to reconsider, or at least to delay announcement. I refused.

He also asked me to meet with him, the Party Chairman, Chairman of the 22 Committee, and Dominic Grieve MP a Tory solicitor, and I did so this morning when they sought to get me to change my mind. I refused and at 12 noon today I informed Sir Michael Spicer, the Chairman of the 22 Cttee, that I was irrevocably set on resignation. I announced my resignation on the floor of the House this afternoon.

I remain a committed and principled Conservative and will continue to sit on the Tory benches.”

Extracts of an Email sent by Bob Spink on 11th March 15.47 to the Chief Whip Patrick Mcloughlin

Dear Patrick, It is not in the public interest for me to remain within a party that supports improper and criminal actions against an MP or democracy. I therefore intend to resign the whip….

If you wish, we can discuss how to handle my resignation, including publicity and the withdrawal of facilities.

Yours ever

Bob 11/3/08

Extracts from letter dated 12th March from the Chief Whip to Dr Bob Spink MP:

Further to your letter of resignation received by email yesterday afternoon, and our discussion today, I am writing to confirm the removal of the Whip with immediate effect.

‘The Chairman has counselled you strongly to await the Executive Council next week….’ 12/3/08

Guido suspects that Spink is going in a huff because he faced deselection by his own constitutency association who were not happy about him employing his lover / wife / lover’s daughter etcetera. This promises to be an enjoyable bun fight…

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